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In 2ByTwo we are...
In 2ByTwo we recognise that every child is a unique individual. The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values. We believe that a child’s experiences of nursery should be happy and positive.

Every child will have a nominated key worker who will develop an in depth knowledge about the child and family. Each child’s well-being and involvement is of paramount to practitioners and is carefully monitored. We will promote positive attitudes to both learning and behaviour.

We carefully plan and provide a balance of child led and adult initiated activities and experiences which are enjoyable, challenging and age appropriate through both indoor and outdoor provision. There is a strong focus on the prime areas of learning and developing the characteristics of effective learning.

Children have a choice of resources and materials which are organised through continuous provision to encourage independence, choice and positive learning dispositions including curiosity, perseverance and confidence.

Children will leave 2ByTwo with a sense of belonging ready to start pre-school the following academic year.

Download our 2ByTwo Curriculum Plan

Places and Funding Information

We have 20 places for 2-3 year olds. Parents are invited to fill in an application form after their child turns 2. If places are available parents will be contacted by a member of staff.

From the term after your child turns two, you might be able to claim 15 hours a week early education and childcare up to a maximum of 570 hours per year, funded by the government. How you apply will depend on whether you are in receipt of certain benefits or are a working family.

Please see our parent guides to funding to help check your eligibility:

Download our Parents Guide to 2 year old funding Download our Parents Guide to 15 hours funding

Parents can choose the sessions they would like their child to attend. Providing we have space we are very flexible. There is also a breakfast and 2s club which operates outside of our school hours. The table below shows our prices and session times.

Cost per session
Breakfast Club (7.45am-9am)£4.00
A.M. Session (8.45am-11.45am)£17.00
P.M. Session (12.15pm-3.15pm)£17.00
2s Club (3.15pm-6pm)£10.00

Download our 2ByTwo Admission Form Download our 2ByTwo Handbook Download our St Andrews Out of School Clubs - Inspection Report Download our Local Offer Download our SEND Policy