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  1. Policies

Our school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare our pupils and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Here you can view some of our key school policy and procedure documents. We continue to update this list and should you have a query about a policy that is not listed please contact the School Office.

Statement from our Safeguarding policy:

Our school fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children and support pupils in school. There are three main elements to our Safeguarding Policy:

  • Prevention: We have a positive school atmosphere, teaching and pastoral support to pupils, including the SENDco and Play Therapist.
  • Protection: We protect our children by following agreed procedures, ensuring staff are trained and supported to respond appropriately and sensitively to Child Protection concerns.
  • Support: We aim to support pupils and school staff and to provide care for children who may have been abused.


There are a number of staff who are qualified as safeguarding leads within school:

  • Our Designated Senior Lead in school is Mrs C Wilkinson
  • Our Deputy Designated Senior Lead is Mrs L Miller
  • Our Safeguarding/Child Protection Governor is Mrs J Burnett

Our school club staff are also trained Designated Senior Leads:

  • Mr N Wilkinson
  • Mr L Hartley
  • Mrs H Proctor
  • Miss M Fox
  • Mrs A Standen
  • Mrs K Johnson

All staff undertake safeguarding / child protection training on an annual basis and as part of our induction process.

Our Policies