What to do if your child is absent
If you know your child is going to be absent from school, you should:
- Where possible, ring school at the earliest opportunity to let them know
- Send a note to school explaining the reason for the absence (in advance if possible, eg: if your child has a doctors appointment)
Please note: School will contact parents if they are in any doubt as to the whereabouts of a child.
Absences can be reported in a number of ways
- Call school on: 01254 231279
- Email us: [email protected]
- Text us on: 07582 584 636
We reserve the right to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to parents of children who persistently have unauthorised absences, such as:
- parentally condoned absence without good reason, or failing to inform school about absences;
- holidays in term time;
- persistent late arrival at school.
Attendance at our School
Attendance at St Andrew's is currently very good.
2021-22 - 95.5%