How to get a place at St Andrew's School
The way that parents can apply for a primary school place has changed. In order to apply for a place you must go online to: https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/children-education-families/schools/apply-for-a-school-place/apply-for-a-primary-school-place/
The closing date for applications is January. Late applications will not be dealt with by the education office until all other applicants have been offered a place. If you apply late you run the risk of not getting into the school of your choice. Offer letters for primary places will be issued by 2nd class post in April. On-line applicants will be able to view their own offer on the system the evening of the date the letters are issued.
Please note that even if your child currently attends our Pre-School they will not be automatically offered a place. Parents must still apply to the Authority as described above.
As St Andrew's is a Voluntary Controlled School and not aided by the Diocese, our admission policy is the same as for a County Primary School and church attendance is not essential to get a place.
The number of places available for admission to our Reception Class will be a maximum of 45 (Taught in 2 small classes).
If you have no internet access or you are having problems applying online, please call into school for support.